We stopped in at Valero just outside our camprgound at 8:27 a.m. MST, heading to Albuquerque for a quick peak into life there. We had friends who lived there and loved the place, I’ve always wanted to see it. Ron needed to get windshield wiper fluid, our windshield, needless to stay has quite a collection of bugs on it at this point. The drive is only 48 minutes, we’ll spend the morning there before heading back to Santa Fe.
Pictures of Albuquerque as we rolled into town. I loved the blue on the side of the overpasses, a nice accent. The highway signs are unique compared to ours back home. There are more trees here than we’ve seen elsewhere
Our first visit was to the Grove Cafe and Market, recommended by our friends. I had the Avocado toast, Ron had the breakfast burrito, both were delicious. If I lived here, this would be a regular place for me. I could visualize myself sitting at one of the tables outside, writing and studying. One of the store clerks told me this is unusually hot for this time of year. The winters here don’t sound horrible, she said the lowest it gets is around 40, they don’t get snow. I had to leave some kindness in Albuquerque, this is where I left a Scatter card.
We were sitting at a traffic light when I noticed this wall. Thankfully the light was long enough for me to get a panoramic of it. Our GPS took us through some neighborhoods, it was interesting seeing the different styles of homes compared to back East. We happened across the University of New Mexico in our travels.

While we were at Grove Cafe and Market, we decided to check out Old Town Albuquerque. The stores were all touristy oriented, what I found fascinating were the street peddlers. They laid all of their wares out on blankets, just finishing setting up as we arrived. I almost bought a sterling silver barrette there, but just a little too pricey for my blood. I loved the gentleman we found guarding the door at one of the shops.

The San Felipe de Neri Parish sits on the corner of Old Town Square in Albuquerque. The church was founded in 1706 and has operated ever since. The school kids were praying as they walked along, I think they were reciting the rosary, but I’m not completely sure. As we walked inside the church, I was taken back with it’s beauty. The sacredness of the sanctuary was evident. How many people have worshiped in these pews in the past centuries, only God knows. I brought home the first Hot Air Balloon Chimes in the picture as a souvenir, hopefully one day we’ll make it back here for the annual Hot Air Balloon Festival that takes place in October.

We visited Historic Nob Hill, just a driving tour on our way to Bosque Brewing Co. Unfortunately, the brewery was closed due to power outages from last night’s storm. Listening to the locals talk, they were in desperate need of the rain here.
We came back from Albuquerque, a little touristed out, and headed to the camper. Ron was very excited to find Happy Camper beer at the convenience store, of course we had to do a photo shoot. After I finished my notes on this morning, I called home to PA and talked to my cousin Karen. Her and and Jim are installing a new floor, she was happy for the break. My cousin Karen is exactly 20 years younger than my Mom. They always loved to tell you their age difference:-). Of all the people on Earth, she reminds me most of Mom. I can’t share this trip with Mom, but it was nice to be able to share it with her. We got new neighbors while we were chatting, they’ve already taken off for adventures of their own, but I wanted to commemorate this moment while I was talking to Karen.
Danny and Chris came over to tell us there was a storm on the way. We decided if we wanted to see Historic Santa Fe, we needed to get a move on. We quickly put the pups inside and headed downtown. The view below was seen on our drive there, the other photos were taken as we were entering the city.
We had a late lunch at the Shed, another recommend from our Mt. Pleasant friend’s. I had to include the one of Ron irritated at all of my pictures. I told him, if you don’t want your picture taken, don’t go on vacation. Obviously, he doesn’t feel picture taking is a priority as there are very few from him of me:-). I had the Italian Green Been Salad with chicken, Ron had the mixed green salad with salmon.
Our after lunch stroll.
Danny and Chris came over and helped us navigate through a marital argument. Thirty five years of marital wisdom came in helpful.

We met friends from Virginia for dinner at Rowley Farmhouse Ales . Joe and Leslie are such special friends to us, having dinner with them on this trip was never planned. Each morning when I get up, I ask God to take us where He wants us to go, have us meet who He wants us to meet. To make a long story short, because we didn’t go to Branson, MO, our entire trip changed which led us here tonight, to have dinner with our good friends Joe and Leslie. When we were dating, we spent a lot of time with Joe and Leslie. When we got married, the trips tapered off a bit, but never stopped. Leslie has been battling breast cancer this past year, it hasn’t been easy. We’ve not been able to do any trips together this year. Yet God planned one for us, we had dinner in New Mexico because of how He directed our steps. Not one of us could have made this happen if we tried. And all four of us are grateful. We’re grateful Leslie’s battle has been successful. We’re grateful she has the strength to travel. We’re grateful the four of us got to take a trip together this year, even if we didn’t plan it. We’re grateful.

The food was great. They bring out candied nuts that were sinfully delicious as an appetizer. Les and I both had the Impossible Burger. Ron had shrimp and grits, I thought it was odd to be on the menu in New Mexico, but he said it was good. The sunset was amazing.
Full moon over Santa Fe. Great way to end a good day!

Love it!! Thanks for the compliment about your mom. It is an honor to be compared to Bert. Love ya cuz!!
Love you too!